Is this really our first episode?! It certainly is! Give it a listen!(: WE LOVE YOU CRYBABIES!!
Hello. You beautiful human. Oh my gosh. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Our video. We're first, No, our first podcast episode. We are so excited. I know. My heart's beating so fast now. I know. I feel like I'm getting like stage fried for sure. I know. Okay, well welcome to the pod you. We are no crying on the internet. I am Lauren. I'm Katie. And we are so excited to have you listen. honestly, I think this first episode we're just gonna be, we're gonna sit, we're gonna chat and talk about us chat, talk about what this podcast is gonna be about and what we're about and how we met, and you know, all that fun. Basically how we got here. This is so exciting, y'all. We've wanted to start a podcast. I literally think since what? Like 2020, maybe? 20 19, 20 19. 2020 for sure. And timing was just not right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No, timing was not right. Yeah. And we really wanted to, like the beginning of this year, we, we were like, Okay, well, like the beginning of this year, I think we're going to try and get it going, and then like, Popped off with so things popped off. So she said it, not me. So, um, but we did not get there. But now we here, but we're here now and I'm just so excited. Excited. We're sorry for any audio things. We're just trying to get those, We're working it. Yeah. This first episode. So really just working all of that out. Do you wanna take it away? How did we even meet So you guys, so I'm gonna, you know, start it off from the beginning. The Genesis it's the first book, not the Genesis. The Genesis. We're gonna start from the very beginning. So basically me and Katie saw each other and it was love at first sight. It really was. It was people, friendship. We worked retail together. Yeah. Coworkers are some of the best friends guys. I'm sure I've friends for almost well over four years. Has it been over four years now? 2017, I think the end of 2017. Cuz we met the week of my birthday. I turned 19 that week. Was it 2017 or 2018? I don't know. Oh gosh. Well I think you're, I think you're right. I think it was 20. If it, if it was 2017, it was 2017. So it's been five years. It's been five years. That's actually insane. And we, y'all, some things are coming. I don't wanna spoil little surprises, but yeah, you've got some things coming this year. We do next year. But it's very exciting. It is super exciting. But, um, I'll be one of those annoying influencers that's like, can't say what's happening, Can't say what's going on. But like, you can see me right now. I know we're gonna get video together, but right now we're in, we're just trying to make sure we can get. On the books recorded. Right? That's what we're trying to do. So that's, that's the t. Um, but yeah, so me and Katie met through work. we started. The same day. I don't think we interviewed together. No. But like it was a group of us, like a group of like five girls. Our first day was on the same day and Katie was already on the clock. I don't know if you even remember this, but I do. No. Okay. So I remember Katie was already on the clock in the dressing room. And what song was that that we used to dance to all the time. It was by, um, it's by Clean Bandit. Yes. There's a thousand just, Yes. It's just very like that retail, like music. And I was walking towards the back again, first day, like I'm walking in for my first ship. I literally do, I have a very specific memory. I'll, I'll tell in a second. Okay. But yeah, with yours. And I just remember like, we like caught like eyes and we like wave at each other and we like kinda like danced a little bit. Yes, we did. The first day I. We literally were just like, Hi. Like first, cuz we, I was walking to the back end and we were just like, Hey, my memory's so bad. I guess I'm just like making this up. It's fine. The world is really a fantasy to me anyways, so it's fine. Everything's fine. Yeah. The day that I remember is we were, it, we, Okay. So at Altered State you have to stay two hours later than close. Yeah. And that sucks so bad. Yeah. Um. We were like stalking after, mm-hmm. and I just remember us like literally bullshitting around and our manager always got so much, and this was like from day one, guys. I'm not joking. No, this was the first week. Yeah. I remember us having to literally stalk things together the first week and we just bullshit around and literally, yeah, our manager just hated us. She hate, No, literally, I. You would have to get pulled out of the dressing room. Yeah, we talked all the time and then, Okay. We were separated a lot. We really didn't necessarily work on the floor together a lot because we wouldn't get anything done and also we would talk shit goof around dance. I also was going through a breakup, so I would just cry in the back. gosh, it was very on again. Whatever like they were on. This day and then tomorrow. Shout out to that friend. She comes in crying. Shout out to you. Shout out to you if you're listening. Yeah. That's funny. I feel like a lot of tea is gonna be spelled this podcast Cause Katie keeps saying names like, I know I'm not gonna drop names everybody, but we're, we're gonna, You figure out how to bleep. We're bleeping things. We, we don't need people. Like I will, I'll bleep cuz we don't need people thinking that they're relevant now. That clearly aren't anymore. True. True. But yeah we just goofed around way too much. Yeah. And then, We started hanging out like outside of work and except you always used to get so mad. Remember you used to get so mad at the cash register you guys. So one thing to know about like me is our dynamic, honestly, just our dynamic. It's changed. I feel like it's changed a little bit just cuz we've gotten older. Yeah. And I'm not as like moody, like outwardly expressing how my moody is. You used to be moody. It was so bad. I have a really bad. Facial expressions in general. Yes. So like I feel like there is resting bitch face that I definitely have. And Katie can have it sometimes too. Yeah. But Katie's really good at putting on, I'm gonna put it on a front, in front of like work people. And also when I'm with her, I let that guard down so I don't put up any sort of like, yes. But I would literally look across the room and Lauren would be looking at me and she would just have the most hateful look. Yeah. And then she'd be like, Are you mad at me? I'm like, No. No. Now in life I would not ask you that. I would just be like, What? I'd be like, What are you mad about? Yeah. But back then I was like, Oh my God, are you mad? Cuz it was our first year of friendship. We did. I was like, what did I do to you? Yeah. That's so like awful. I'm so sorry I did that to you. You do? Like, I would never put up with that. Now I don't have time for that. I'm like, tell me what's wrong and stop just walking around looking like a bitch. Yeah. That's what like you No, I, I shouldn't have asked you about me. Like it was clear. It was just work. Yeah. But that place also sucked. It did suck. We literally would have to work. 10:00 PM until like 6:00 AM some, Yeah. But it was one of those jobs, you know where love you all love you. It really wasn't that bad. It was just weird for like college people to be in it. And we all were babies, like all of us. For the last 18 I was 18. 18, Yeah. 19, 18, 19. Yeah. We were all pretty young, but it was one of those things where like the group of people that we. Were awesome. Like we had such a great, It was like, shout out Tyson. I know you're listening. Yes. Shout out to Tyson. We, like Tyson was one of our managers and he literally was the best, like who's the best? He's still to this day, of all the 70 million jobs we've had between the two Yeah. That's something we'll get. We are certified job poppers, but that's not for this episode. Yeah, that's for a later episode. Hashtag drop poppers. If you're a drop Popp, you know. Comment, flow. No, literally, that's pretty, We are not afraid to just, you know, hop around whatever, Um, current employers, Listen, don't, don't be talking. Don't talk about us. Don't judge. We know what we are. Don't judge. We just, we just, we move and we feel like we shouldn't be moving Yeah. So, um, but yeah, we really just hit it off instantly and we've been really. Really, really good friends, and now she's like one of my best friends. It's crazy. Yeah. And through all the different things, like we've stayed friends, we haven't been on the same path. No. And there's been times where we like don't talk to each other for months. Yeah, like actual months. Sure. And then we get back together and it's like, it was like that, like after we left Altered State for sure. And then I feel like, yes. Then we kind of got into a groove again talking once a month and then like it's just, yeah, now it's like back to for sure. That is why guys less here, don't get. When your friends don't, aren't just up your ass all the time. Yeah. They might be going through some shit Yeah. Like let people do their thing. We're adults. Like let people No, literally. Yeah. I think it'd be good to like say some stuff about us too. Like Yeah. Pop off on your life history. On my history. Like Yeah. Just say like a short synopsis about you. Okay. Well, Lauren, give the people what they want. Lauren with a why true with a. Yeah, she's different. She's quirky, Um, I, I'm from Oklahoma City, born and raised. And I've been in a relationship for almost four years. Amazing. A shout out. Shout out to Corey. Love you. Um. What else about me should I like talk about? I love to read big reading. I love, I love going to dinner. Me and Katie love going to dinner. Yeah. With each other. We love to just sit and eat and like I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go tonight. We could go tonight. We literally could. And, um, I don't know. I'm a very, You're into astrology. I'm into astrology. Katie's like trying to like gimme to talk about myself. I get kind of weird. I love talking about other people's. And not mine. So this will be a learning curve for sure, but maybe I tell the people about you and you tell the people about me. Okay. Okay. So Lauren? Yeah. Lauren is, Lauren's a very ride or die friend. She will bitch someone out for you. Yeah. And be there for you. Um, I feel like, I feel like what we talked about, like you. just definitely moodier back in the day. But now you've stabled out I keep it. I'm really, I'm a lot better at like voicing it when it's appropriate and not like expressing it as much. Is that good? You're, you're somebody also who, like you tell me if something's a bad idea. Mm-hmm. But you really just let the person figure it out too, like sure would. Let me figure out my own shit. I always support you. Like no matter you do. That's what I mean. Like ride or die. You are supportive like, For sure. Like whether I like whatever I do, you're like, Okay, go for it. You know what I mean? Uh, yeah. Katie, the cry guys. Oh yeah. And I feel like what. I was just telling someone about you the other day and that like, those were the things I was saying is like, Lauren has been so good for me throughout this time in my life. Yeah, because like, you're so supportive, but you also like, I think push me. You know what I mean? So it's like, we're not gonna stay sad, We're not gonna stay. Well, you we're gonna, you push me too. Like Katie's very like ambitious and very like, You know what, I'm just gonna do it. And I've gotten more comfortable with that over the years, but like she's been that way since like, I met her for the most part, like I would say yes, I definitely, I don't feel that way and she really kinda, You like do your, you do your thing. Like I try to Yeah, you do like that. I feel like my career, like everything is not been normal. Yeah, it hasn't, but you've really made it work and she's the ultimate. Hype woman. Okay. Wow. Thank you. Like anytime I say I wanna do something or like whatever. Cause I feel about you though. I feel like you're super hype too. We're very supportive of each other. I will say that. Yeah. Very, very supportive. I think we're just supportive people. Yeah. Not me gassing myself up. not, not her gassing. Yes. Not me. Gassing myself up. Absolutely. And I will say like, I do pride myself on being a good listener because you are, I've, I'm a good talker in your But you, But like, I feel like you, you're a good listener too. But I also like when one person is going through something, Yeah. The other friend needs, needs to bear more at that time in the relationship. So let your friends talk about themselves. You're very good about that. For those, you let them talk. For those who, Dunno. I've been going through a divorce. Lol. Yeah. So that is something that has popped off in my life. born and raised in Tulsa. Mm-hmm. came to Oklahoma City for college. Oh, that's something you like skipped out on. What did you go to college for? Oh my gosh, guys. She's an educated hobby. Okay. She's an educated, um, we both are. Um, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. See, that's amazing. Mine's just an associates go, bro. Hey. But guess what? She finished school. That's, that's the program that you went for and you finished it. That's what it was. That's true. So I went for vocal performance. Yeah. And I have a song out on Apple Music, Spotify, where we listen to music. Um, shameless plug here. Shameless plug. And. Yeah, I'm an online fitness and health coach. That's my job. Shout out real health and performance and another going through. Love you guys. I'm just clogging my whole life. Love. I'm so good at talking about myself. I love that. Um, just recently went through a divorce. How'd to move outta my house? So now we're just vibing in life and so I feel like now's the time. I like so when you're talking about being a good listener, like you so are, because I remember I just came to you and cried guys. Okay, Here's the thing. So because I have known. For a few years now. At the very beginning, she was very emotional and teary and like whatever, but she was also in a class. It's kinda like you with Moody, like Yeah, mine stabled out more. Yeah. As I got older, like I was really emotional and it's crazy because before, like prior to like us even knowing each other, I was like, I, I literally could not control my tears whatsoever. Yeah. You always said you were, And Katie's never known that. No person. And it's so funny because you ask her how I am never, and then you ask. People that have known me since like high school, they'll be like, This bitch cried over everything. That's me now. Everything. And like now, like I do cry and stuff, but like I'm a lot more in control of it. But also I don't know if it's control or it's that I hold it in and then the damn breaks. That's pretty much where I'm at now. That's not healthy. Yeah. But that's what it is. Maybe you're like on the opposite side of the spectrum now. Yes. But like you, you. Come in and just, it was just such an emotional rollercoaster at that time because we were so young. You were. And love in a situation you shouldn't, as I'll say first been in like breakup is like the end of the world to you. Yeah. That was her first like major one and, and it was rough. Like it was, And that's the thing, I think that's where my moodiness would come from too. Cuz I know like at times like it would come off like I didn't care, but I did. It was just frustrating seeing you like that. Yes. I'm like, honestly people have said that to like to me now even. Yeah. Like it's so frustrating seeing you so upset, so sad. But you're handling it and I've told you this over and over. Y'all Like, between then and like now, Katie really didn't do all the crying and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. it was like everything was okay and then like now that she's going through a divorce and stuff, like obviously that's a lot of emotions that I don't understand either. Um, but I feel like she's been handling it like a champ. Thank you. You really have. Thank you. You've doing your best. I was just telling someone the other day, like in the beginning, in the first couple weeks, it feels. Anytime you're sad, your entire world is crumbling every time. You get sad every day. And that's so fr. Yes. Every day. Yeah. And now I feel like I'm getting to the point a month and a half in where it's like, okay, I can. Sit and be sad and like acknowledge them. Sad. Mm-hmm. like, I always heard people say that, like, acknowledge you're sad and sit in it. And that was so frustrating to me. And also, I wanna preface, I'm, we're gonna go into like a whole relationship. This is just like, this is just our intro. So yeah, this is just our little intro episode. But, um, yeah, I feel like so many people would be like, sit in your motions. I didn't know how to do that because like, like what you said, the dam broke for me. Freaking day and it was so frustrating. Yeah. And now I feel like, okay, I can sit in it. Mm-hmm. and sometimes I cry, sometimes I don't. Which is actually really exciting for me. Yeah. Because I'm not just crying every day. Well, I think that was what was hard for you whenever everything first went. I mean, things are still like pretty fresh. Like it hasn't been that time, month and a half at this point. Yeah. But because of like you keeping yourself busy and mm-hmm. because I think that you have leaned on like your friends and stuff. Yes. And your family. Family, Yeah. Like. I think that's really helped you and I think, think like starting projects, like starting this like Exactly. Doing things that are fun Yes. That have been wanting to do. Yes. And it's really allowed you to, um, go through the grieving and then the healing process, um, in a way that I think is gonna be really beneficial. Like, I can't imagine where you're gonna be. The beginning of next year, like January is even gonna be a different person, even though it's still like gonna be fresh. Like Yeah. Less than six months. She's like, it's still. Yeah. But I also think it's one of those things where, not to get too much into it, cuz we're not, we're gonna dive all into that. Both our relationships, both of'em, takeaways, all of it, all that. Um, I. You were kind of mentally already stepping away before things even actually happened? Probably, yeah. I think you were just afraid to kind of rip the bandaid off yourself. Yeah. And God said, It's okay. Step aside, I'll do it for you. So, oh, I did pray about my relat. Yeah. In the summer and God really said, Okay, you guys gotta be careful what you put out there in the universe. I always say that, watch your words. Be careful what you pray for, because mine really. Off. Yeah. After that. And I think one thing too is that I've been focusing a lot more on what I can control instead. Like back when you're 18, going through a breakup, you're like F him. Like, I'm so mad, like blah, blah, blah. And it's, And the world's to, And the world is ending. The world's ending. You think no one else is gonna be out there. Yeah. And this time I'm like actually leaning on friends, family, like you said, and also trying to lean on like God more and like logic almost. Mm-hmm. Because when you sit in those feelings, it's like, No one's ever gonna love me and I'm never gonna find anyone. And it, that's like not the case of all. That's so irrational. It's so irrational. And so I think reading a lot has helped too. Like reading any kind of personal development or personal growth book because then I'm like, and and especially divorce books, like Christian divorce books are just divorce books. Cause then I'm like, okay, these people gone through it, they've made it and like I can make it through. And so trying to focus on like what can I control is way more beneficial. Exactly. Rage. And you can keep yourself busy. You can choose how to spend your time and you've sat in your emotions, but you haven't let yourself like bottle it up and stay in a room and like whatever. No. Now that's me. How I would handle things really. So wouldn't have to like really just like pull me a yes. See, my mom said the same thing. She was like, I would just be in my room. Yeah. Crying. And I cannot do that. Physically cannot do that. Yeah. Which is really, I mean, I think that's good. I think I've gotten better for sure. But yeah. Yeah, she's, She's getting through it though. Y'all We're through. It's gonna be okay. We've got big plans for 2023. Honestly, both of us. I feel like I really do. Can't wait to get into that. I know. That's exciting. Really, really do. So, yeah. Anyway, we just wanted. Literally just pop off here, talk about our lives, talk about how we met, and just kind of tell y'all a little bit about us. Mm-hmm. um, give you guys a little taste and leave you wanting more um, again, we're gonna have like video content coming out once I move into my apartment, we're gonna have video content. Yeah. She's Airbnb living right now. I have Airbnb living, so That's amazing. Yeah. Um, move next week and then we will. do more video stuff. So thank y'all so much for listening. If y'all have any specific topics you want talked about, yeah, please let us know. Comment down below, let us know. Please give us a five star rating. We yes, we would. So appreciate the rating. Love a five star rating. Yeah, we will definitely be back soon and we will talk to y'all next week. Bye bye.