Spill the Tea!

December 12, 2022 Katie Ridgeway + Lauryn Bennett Season 1 Episode 4

In this week's episode Lauryn talks pop culture , music + reality tv show couple successes that have happened in 2022 while Katie speaks on her experiences with Reiki!

Hello, friend. Hey, cry babies. Hi, cry babies. It's, you know, welcome back. Is this third or fourth? No, this, this, or fourth. Mm-hmm. fourth. Wow. Um, welcome back everybody we've got. Jam packed episode of Yeah, the tea. You have some juice? I do some pop culture juice. Katie got a life update, so I'm excited. Yeah. You wanna, should we say anything like, okay. So I know that mine's like life related, but How are you doing my friend? I'm doing good. You're doing good? Yeah. I'm kinda like chilled out a little bit. Yeah. Should we spell the T on what's happening in 2020? you want to go ahead and do it? Maybe like a little spoiler. You want to You want me to say it? Yeah. Okay. So you really want me to tell? Do you want to, or? Yeah. Cause we're already going back and forth and I can't stand when people do that. Okay. Um, so Katie and I are actually going to be roommates, you guys. Woohoo. I'm so excited to live with Katie and my two nephews. I literally am so excited. That'll be so fun. Yeah. And Katie does not have kids. They're literally the cats. No. Literally my two cats. Rim Rat and Greg m Rat and Greg. Can't wait. Love. So, so excited. Yeah. So that'll be happening 2023, kind of fairly early 20. Like, like April, may, right? Yeah, April, may. Mm-hmm. Spring. So that'll, that's coming. So that's super exciting. So, I mean, y'all, y'all gonna get sick of us You want be sick of me. Y'all be gonna be sick of me. Oh god. That's exciting. Yeah. Um, um, yeah, it was, but we have some, not my DoorDash delivery. Going just now. Arriving immediately. What? Okay. Okay. Anyways, okay, well gotta go everybody. Brb. Okay, we're back. Hey, also, quick break. You had to get her deadline. Quick ad break everybody. Now I'm back. spoke to her by Chick-fil-A. Joking. This is not actually sponsored. Oh, chick-fil-A, please. Not that they'd never listen, but yeah. Okay, my friend. Well, you've got some pop culture. Yes. And. Be prepared when we live together. There's going to be so many like love island updates and yes, probably just like a dedicated episode. So if you're not. then that's just escort yourself out. Yeah. Cause I'm a huge reality TV junkie. And summertime. That's really the only reason I even like summer is because, oh, I love summer. It's literally because of the tv. Like, yeah, love Island. Stop it. Like that's never watched it. Oh, you're about to. I know. And I can't wait. I told Lauren, I was like, you're gonna make me like rest and relax and I'm gonna make. Hot girl walk with me. Exactly. She really is. But we got so many pop culture updates that I really wanted to talk about pop off, cuz I don't have. Well, I got the juice for you, so go for it. First thing I wanna talk about is the fact that if you're into anything royal family related, I'm definitely your girl for that, y'all. I love the royal family and just the drama, you're part of it. Everything literally in my mind, I'm literally, it's my fantasy did. Now correct me if I'm wrong, I literally know nothing. Did something happen with Megan and Charles? Is that his name? Megan and Charles? Is that his name? Megan and Harry? Sure. Who's dating Charles? Married Kate is married to Prince William. Actually you're talking about Charles What? Like, so Charles Katie's like confusing me. I'm like, what? Who's Charles? Did I just make him up? No, he is part of the family, but like he is Who's the one that like literally was like, bye. Harry got kicked out. The one that's kind of balding. Harry well, did not get kicked out. William and Kate Uhhuh are still like part of the fam in the family. They still live over there. Harry and Megan are the two that are, they live in America now, like they're not a part of the royal fam. Not technically they are, but like And the Queen died. Yeah. And the queen today. So, Taking the throne now? Well, because the queen's dead. It's Charles and Camilla. It cause you know Princess Diana. Oh, so that is Charles? There is a Charles? Yes, there's a Charles. You know Princess Diana? Yeah. Okay. So basically Prince, well, king Charles and, uh, Camilla case is stupid. No, we, I do not like them. I don't think anybody likes it. Who's the balding one? That's all I need to know. Megan. What I think Megan and uh, William is B Harry. William name is a yes. Katie, you're doing me nuts. There's too many names. Okay. Who's the one that the documentary is coming out about? Meghan and Harry. Yeah. Okay. Pop off. Why? About what? I love them because they got kicked out. It's about their life and I think just a watch what's going on like with them. That comes out actually tomorrow. You watch an iWatch and then don't, don't tell each other a single thing. We'll recap it next time. Yeah, so the first volume. Of the documentary comes out tomorrow, actually. Um, and then I think the second one comes out on the 15th. Oh, a two parter. Yeah. So I'm, it is gonna be, it's probably gonna be really long. That's why they had to do two parts probably. I, I just love them so much in their relationship and how. they really just shook up the royal family you know, I like chaos, I love chaos. All that drama. That's the only reason she likes them. Yeah, that's the only reason why we're even talking about any of this today. Cause I just like, there's been so much going on that actual like, Yes. And then please tell me, y'all been hearing about this Good Morning America. I started hearing it because of you. Yes. So co-hosts that world popped. Do you know HR is having like their stress, they're sweating, they're calling all the meetings, literally. And so you know the co-host TJ Holmes? Mm-hmm. I think her last name is Roba. So Amy Roba or Robach, something like that. Okay. It's R O B A C. Okay. Think what that information, Rob? I think, yeah. Robach. Um, so pictures came out about, here's something I have to say though. Them, they've been having an affair. Tell me why though. They went to like upstate New York. Didn't think they'd get caught. Huh? They're like publicly. All these pictures. It's clear that they've been together. Together. They, a long time they took that took. Tell me friend, what's, how did, how did it, apparently this started whenever they were training for the New York City like Marathon together. Oh yes. They were fitness buddies apparently. Yes. But they got those endorphins really going that they, right, exactly. And so apparently, the wife, TJ Holmes's wife, hired a personal investigator. She's the one that found out private personal investigator. Private investigator. She hired one, and that's where these pictures came from, because she knew, she thought that he was cheating. I guess so, yeah. That's the, that's, yes. And then to come find out, he had slept with like one of the, uh, crew members as. So he been cheating for a long time. He's like a, that's like his personal serial cheater. Like, you know, in Sims you can pick like traits. Yeah. Cheater apparently. Yes. And, and like the whole thing was everyone was like, oh, some people were saying they're both, you know, like separating or whatever. Okay, well then why did his wife hire a private investigator I was literally trying to watch a GMA three at work because of these two, cuz they, cuz the news came out, they were on air together the next day. Were they, did they act different? They were, they didn't like blatantly talk about it. Obvious. But it was kinda like this undertone of like, we mean hot. I'm kind of making some noise right now on the internet, but do you think this was all publicity sent? Well, if it was, I think that GMA flopped because why did you guys take them off the air? I think that's stupid. But my chaotic heart was like, I would love if they just kept doing it. Like who cares about GMA three? Why is it called GMA three? Because there's like, I guess there's two other gmas, I don't know. So. Now, let me back up. Okay. Was the crew member before or after Amy know? I think this before. Does Amy know she, yeah. The internet knows so probably. But beforehand, did she know? Who knows? I have no idea. Maybe she did and she was just like, uh, I could do better. I don't know. In my head, this is like, so there's a show. I just think that's so dumb. Like, y'all know you're gonna get caught. Yeah, but like there's a show on, I think it's Apple TV called The Morning. And it's kind of, people are saying, this is like some morning show stuff. So now I wanna watch the show cause I'm like, Ooh, chaos. Love that. You love the chaotic energy. And then I don't know y'all, I also love reality tv, like dating shows. Yeah. And this better too year. My couples have been popping off. Okay. So I literally have my list. Let's hear it. So as far as couples this year for a reality, TV shows very successful, I would say for reality tv. Because it's, you know, I've only ever watched Bachelorette and Bachelor girl. I don't even know, but you know, I'd be applying to Love Island, so y'all get me on Love Islands? Yeah. Never watched. I'm trying to get her on. Never watched an app, but I'll go on. I just ka. I think I'd cry every episode. You probably would, but I need you to. I'd be the cry. I need you to. I'd be like my friend's so authentic. I love that for her. my friend's. So vulnerable We love the vulnerability Queen. Listen, you guys are love island UK lovers. We got Andrew and Tasha. Love that name we have, they sound like they should be together. Andrew and Tasha. Andrew and Tasha. And we also have India and dmi. Who? India and Dmi. Love that. I love it. That's very cute. Literally these couples, I can't wait to know these people next summer so I can like actually talk, cuz I can get pretty opinionated about, I know. Opinions are so interesting. They're always so different. I'm always like, I love this person. She's like, I hate them. And Andrew and and Tasha were like, Like a favorite, a fan favorite at all really. And they have glow up big time. I love that. I love that for them. We love a glow up. Yeah. So we have them. And did you always like them? Um, I kind of always had a soft spot for Andrew. Okay. Um, Tasha, I'm like, she can dress. She can dress and I always love her outfits and stuff, but she was just kind of getting all my nerves in the villa. But I mean, it's a really stressful environment and it's not. Yeah. So I mean, you know, but on the outside she's been killing it and I love that for her. We love to see it. Yeah, that's the thing is like you can't really judge someone like even bachelor, bachelorette, you can't judge them. Like it's just too, you can't expect the women to not be jealous or not be catty or whatever. You're in the situation that's not normal at all. Yeah, it's not normal. I don't wanna be around 30 other women. Yeah. Competing for the same man. Yeah. And it just seemed like she on tv the way that it. was like Andrew was putting all this effort and she was kind of playing him a little. I don't, I think that's just the way it was portrayed. Yeah. But I will say like something producers really be out there trying to do the most. They do what they what? You know? I find it so fascinating. It's crazy to me like the behind the scenes. Yes, I do too. I love books that tell more about like the Bachelorette Life or like The Bachelor. Like I've always loved books like that. Like what was going on? No, I need to know like where do you actually stay? What All the little things. Yeah. Like the fact that like on Love Island. the time on their phone. Cause they have phones. But the phones Oh they do. Can't do anything. Yeah, the phones can't do So what are they there for? Pictures and content, you know, cause Bachelor, bachelor, nobody even has a phone. They literally have'em just to, cuz like the whole thing with Love Island when it and UK version is really what launched all of this is like the whole, that's why I never started watching it. Got a text, I've got a text, whatever. So they get these text messages for. Challenges, um, eliminations, like, you know, all that stuff. And, um, you text to say that you're eliminated. No. Well, I mean, yeah, but they'll be like, everybody gather around the fire pit and then like they have no idea. Then whoever gets the text, no. It's just like, that's just, it depends. Sometimes it is like that, sometimes not. It's just how the show goes. That's how they're communicating basically with. You know the producers and stuff or whoever's. Yeah. And so they have that and then they do pictures. Like they take pictures and stuff. That makes sense. And they'll post'em cuz it comes on every day. Except on Saturdays. It's like a recap episode. I know. I think that that she told me that. I was like, oh, what do you mean I gotta sit in front of the TV every you night. You're gonna be so obsessed. I think I'm so excited cuz it's a totally different way. Tv. No, that's a whole different, yeah. I've never had an experience like that. Even with a Big Brother. Like Big Brother comes out either three days. I would actually really like to get into Big Brothers, so let's. Watch that together. Well, look, elite Two, like the Best Seasons are on Netflix now, so Cool. Watch those. Because honestly, here recently, old School Big Brother is top tier, new school, big Brother's. Just been like a mess. My brother and sister-in-law are watching this show. Can't remember what it, I think it's called like the competition or something. Mm-hmm. kind of like Survivor and Big Brother Merge together. You'd probably like the show. What's it on? I also don't know that information. Maybe Hulu. I watch it only when I'm over. And it comes out weekly. I do think it is Hulu and I'll have to confirm TV show name, believe it's competition, but it's really good. Like they all have to strategize with each other. It's, it really is Survivor. I've never seen Big Brother, but that's what's kind of like they've said is the crossover. I'm totally into it. I love all types of reality and they have to do like the survivor stuff where like they have to go run three blocks and then come back and do a puzzle and like all that kinds of, I love. So I will watch that with you. Absolutely. I, one of my vapes, I love any kinda show like that, so I'm sure I'd love Big Brother and yeah, big Brother is very, survivor is way more, I feel like the tructure of, well that, but like the structure of Survivor I think is just so much more. um, successful than like Big Brother because of the how extreme your environment is. Yeah. Um, I think it kind of brings out this primal like side of humans. Yeah. And because like, you know, your instinct, like, like consistently, you're not like, so having, you know, should I go on Survivor? If you were a survivor, you honestly add the two of us. You would do better on. I only think because people would think I'm the nice girl and then I would, you can be really sneaky, but I would just like, yeah. I would strategize behind it. So strategizing is like, you would do better at that than me. I think I would do better at maybe surviving, then I would strategizing. I'm a big complainer. Like I want, they'd be like, we're gonna go her off like first because she won't stop complaining. No, they literally do that. There was one girl that kept. Yeah, that's very like, especially in the very beginning, like if you're not showing that you're resourceful, I feel like in the beginning of Survivor, you won't make it like you have to show that you can actually contribute something to the group. No. Literally you can contribute anything. So don't put me on there. I'm just not, no, same. And I can't do puzzles. So I'm, I'm like that person that will sit there and be quiet and not say a word, and then all of a sudden I'm like, have a eureka moment. And I'm like, Move. Like if I don't get this out, like no, I'm not gonna, I'll be like, um, I don't know where it goes. I'll stand there and be like, oh my gosh, I think I did. I just hold on, move the, did I crack the code? But anyways, yeah. So she's about to be in her reality TV show, era, era. I cannot wait. The thing on eras. Oh yeah, it's all about the eras. But then I would say too, like with Love Island us, cuz it's on Peacock now, which I'm so happy that they moved off of. Because cbs, any peacock, I guess. Well, if one of us has it, it's fine. Yeah. Cause like CBS is a family friendly network and like Love Island should not be on that there. It's Exactly. And so do they cousin stuff on there? They or do they believe it out, all kinds of stuff? Well, now that it's on Peacock, it's not bleeped. No. They show way more than I did on US because Oh, really? Because in the uk, like if you, well, I'll show you just like one episode Okay. Of. but the first or second season of Live Island, US and then the Live Island uk, they pop off. They are nuts. Really? Yes. But like that's like the nature of the show. It's not a family friendly show, I don't think. Yeah. So I'm happy that it's on Peacock now. It's not a family friend, like from what I know from it, it's like it's literally not. Mm-hmm. they're doing like, they have like a whole episode where one of the challenges or whatever is a strip, like, it's like a best strip tease. Like a dance or whatever. Yeah. And it's like a heart race challenge and they put like a band on you and they basically write who got your heart rate up, like, No. Yeah, that's gonna get some people in trouble. Yeah. It always gets people in trouble. I think it's made up, but Yeah. But like from Love Island, us, you have Zita and Timmy. They're so cute. I love the name Zita. Yeah, she's from the uk actually. She brought the UK Energy. Yeah. I'm so excited. I love them. So they can be like from the, I guess. Okay. I guess so. Love that. Yeah. And then Sydney and Isaiah, like they went through some stuff, but they're still. I like them. I think they're really cute. And then the biggest one for me is Taylor and Joseph from the last season of Big Brother. Okay. Because Taylor like she won. Mm-hmm. And are they in pairs? Like, were they together? No, but they, they were just in the house and like they, they literally just like fell in love. They are literally the hottest couple. I'm gonna have to show you a picture of them. Yeah. You're gonna be like, oh wow. They're beautiful. But yeah, I literally love them. And so usually with me, I get very invested in reality TV show couples. Yeah. And I always get my feelings hurt. Cause I really like when they break up. Yeah. Or like when it doesn't go right, it's, it's actually stupid because I'm like, no, I'm sure that you can. You get your hopes up more with them than like bachelor, bachelorette, you know they're gonna break up, you know what I mean? Yes. Like, you know, it's for clout or something and they're gonna break up. Oh my gosh. They are. Wait, are they not beautiful? Okay, so what's their names? Taylor and Joseph. Yes. They are beautiful. Right? One month down, forever to go. Wait, are they married? No. One month down, like they've just been dating one month. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Cause then Big brother, you fall into the house. Don't get your feeling, don't get your feelings up. Oh, whatever. They've only been down, they've only been together one month. They're gonna be successful. So stop it. Okay. Yeah. How many followers do they have? Um, Taylor has 221,000 now. Dang. And to think that these people are like normal, regular people, they're literally regular, you know? And Taylor, I would say is not very regular. She's like a pageant girl. I was about to say, she looks like she. She a hundred percent. She's beautiful. And then has 1 33. Okay. Yeah, so honestly, I'm just proud of my, this has been a good year for me, for couples. How long has the longest one been together? Do you know? I mean, some people are married from the show. They've been together for No, but like outta your list, like who's been together the longest, you know. Well, all of them are from this year. So honestly, brands don't get to, it's, it's probably one of the, y'all check'em off for later this year, or, I mean, wait is later this year, maybe one next year. It's someone between the love island there. Yeah. But it's only been months like. Yeah. Okay. Katie's looking at me like she's a delusional. He's going, not gonna stay together. It's fine. I love, love and they're gonna make it, but I love, love I say the last thing I wanna talk about is how excited I am cuz this Allen comes out on Friday. Oh yeah, that'll be good. Yeah. I have two sleeps. Two sleeps. Two sleeps. Oh, Caitlin Raps has a new song coming out on Friday too. That's your girl? Yeah. I'm so excited cuz this album is supposed to have like 20 plus songs on it. I hope there's one about just emotional heartbreak. Just kidding. I don't wanna stats off. I like to say, who knows? Is this a song? Pretty sad though? Yeah, like they're more like RV r and b. Slower. Well, she said that her sound. There's gonna be some new sound. So I don't know, like what that's gonna look like. And then, you know, I'd be on Twitter and she, somebody said something about, um, SZA and Haley Williams doing a song together. Oh, that would be cool. And SZA replied and goes, you'd be surprised how much I've talked to her. Yeah. Don't do me like the shade. Stop it. It's been the. Years. I know she better have like some really good guests on this album. You think she will or you think it's just lot of her? I literally don't care because I'm just excited. I'm not as big of a s a girl as you are. Oh my gosh. I really like, um, back Against the Wall. Mm-hmm. with Khali. Yeah. That's a good one. I love that one. It's called Just Us, I think. Yeah. Yeah. And then I think that's all I know by her. Gosh, I'm, to be honest, way better. I don't know what else. I know by. There's more, I'm sure, but, but the 100% is, how do you not know more than that? I'm sure I do. I'm sure. I literally, I just cannot think about it. It's funny. It's fine. We're gonna get Katie together, but I mean, That's a beautiful pop culture chat. I'm still shook about gma. That whole thing is so messy and that's the kind of pop culture mess I miss because I feel like there's not a lot of that anymore. Yeah. Was just full of some Brittany Lindsay Lohan. Ugh. The drama. I miss it. Like I'm so into that kind of stuff. Yeah, and that was just such good tea that just broke. I was like, what is learn? How's the best like for you pages about everything because. Like literally talked to me and she's like, oh yeah, I already know about that. My four page already said this. My four year page already said this. I'm like, huh? How? How do you see all this stuff? Well, that's why you got me, honey. That is exactly, I didn't even know about the good Amer Morning America stuff until you, I told you. Yeah, my mom. And then I started hearing about it. Actually, my mom is on top of stuff like that too. It's crazy. Hey, that's amazing. I know. Um, speaking of Caitlin Raps though, I did not tell, so the stuff I'll be talking about, Lauren has not heard. Well, I didn't hear about her. Yeah. Until now, and she's not, which we're doing really good so far about not talking about stuff. Yes. And she hasn't heard about my stuff and my stuff is a little bit more. personal, so, um, take it away. Okay. Caitlin Raps is my gal. If I wanna be like anyone in this life, it's Caitlin Raps. Anyway, um, you know how like the end of the year Spotify thing came out? Yeah. Spotify played me, by the way. Literally hated my Spotify wrapped. No. Why did you go through like a certain time and because like, and, and other people. Look at their Spotify wrapped and see, well understand that there are some months where it was like, wow, I was playing this one song like over and over and over and it just, I hated my Spotify wrapped. Cause I guess I was listening to a lot more. I don't know. It said that dance pop was like one of my highest genres, which never heard you listen to dance pop. I mean, I'm like, okay, pop off. Um, but it was like March. I was just listening to the same, what was it? Two people, uh, banks. Okay. And who else? SZA was in mine. Oh, that's good. Yeah, pretty sure my, okay, so Apple Music came out with one. Yeah. And this is really funny because I didn't start listening to Caitlin Raps really until I got divorced Really? Because she's very like bad bee vibes. Yeah. Anyway, she was my number one for literally song artist genre. Like everything was her. I said, okay. So anyway, I posted about her and my story, right? Mm-hmm. And she said, wow, thank you. And then I responded back to her and I said, no, thank you. Literally helped me or literally healing me from the divorce I went through a couple months ago. And I put like little hearts. Then she messaged me back and she said, wow, that's what I do this for. Never forget you're a badass bitch. Love you. What? And I said, crying. Can I wait to see you in concert one day I'll be front. and then she's gonna like respond to everyone that pre added her song. And I pre like saved it and sent that to her cuz she was like, I'm responding to all the, the dms. I haven't heard anything back from her yet, but I mean that was enough confirmation I need in my entire life. Yes. Was Kayla Raps? Cause I love her. Oh. I'm like literally obsessed with her every, and she's coming out with the new song on Friday and she takes like little, um, snippets of the song. This is why I'm Hot. Oh, by Snoop Dog, I think, right? Yeah. She takes little snippets of that and incorporates it into her own song. So very excited about that Uhhuh and just excited. I got confirmation from her that I am a badass bitch. You are a badass bitch. You don't have to be it cuz you are it. Thank you for it. I commit. Um, biggest thing though. Yeah. Is a little Reiki got done today. Yeah. Katie had a reiki session today. I, I had reiki and I loved it. Honestly, y'all, it was very cool. So first off, I wanna say we'll have a podcast all about this, but I am religious, I am a Christian. Um, you know, I really took what I could with like discernment going into this cuz I'm not really like a woo woo go. But I also think that. I don't think that just Western medicine is it, right? Mm-hmm. like I think there's a lot of holistic things we don't do. Mm-hmm. And number one reason why I wanted do this is because I wanted to see if there's any like emotional passageways I had that needed to be like unlocked, you know, channeled in. And also just sit with myself. I never sit with myself and like, yeah, we can sit with ourself in quotations, but. We're reading a book or we're on our phones or something, right? We're never just like actually breathing and sitting with ourselves. Mm-hmm. So that was really cool. So pretty much what happened, we did a little consult in the beginning. She's like, what kind of is your intention? And then she like, sage the room. And I got on this like bed, kinda like a massage bed. Mm-hmm. And then, um, she started, we started with breath work. So I had to do like in four, hold out for hold. Then we started doing like intense breath work, like in, out, in, out, in like in very intense. I thought I was like literally gonna pass out. And so she did that. We did that for 45 minutes. Did not think that I could do that for 45 minutes, but it went by so fast. We go into like the reiki part. Well, you did breath work for 45 minutes. 45 minutes. Wow. And then we did reiki. This was a two hour session. Mm. So reiki essentially is, um, well I don't really know like the actual definition, but what she did with me was she like, went through each chakra, which I guess there's seven. Um, there's like, which one is it? I don't know. All the seven. I wish I could tell you all the seven, but I don't know them. But, um, then we did a. Hope Bono prayer. Mm-hmm. and I loved this prayer friend. It says, so this made me cry during the session because you say it, you, you say it out loud, but you act like someone is saying it to you. Then you say it out loud like I'm saying it to somebody else, and then you say it to yourself and the words are, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Aww. And she said, you can do this with anybody. Like E, even if you're just frustrated with someone at the grocery store, like you kind of internally say this. Mm-hmm. And I kind of just love that because, I felt like I needed to say those words and someone needed to say those words to me. You know what I mean? Wow. Like both ways. So I kind of tear up there, but pretty much she's like, it's almost like a massage, but without the massage part. Like she's holding the top of your head. Mm-hmm. and then like your heart, and then she's holding like her body or her hand, like above certain places like your solar plexus, which is kind of like your belly button area. Um, and then, there's like, she's holding like your feet. And I kid you not, when she was holding both of my feet, I felt like her phone was vibrating on the table. Really? Like I felt vibrations actually like come out of my foot. That's crazy. I know. And so I told her that and then she did, um, I think it's called Gin gwa. And so I think that is more like pressure points. And so she did that like behind my neck, which I really needed that and a few others. And then she did, um, tuning forks and kind of like did it around my ears. And then she did, um, those little like bowls, like the, I don't know what they're called. The sound bowls? Yes. Yeah. But she did it and my body like immediately started filling with. And it felt like ringing, like it felt like really, really loud ringing, like ding, ding, ding, like just like in the entire room. And so I had to really focus on my breath, but I hated it. And I told her that too. And so she said that that has to do with your third eye, that's one of your shockers. So, um, that was really crazy. And so that's funny cuz I really enjoy the samples at night, so. I, I don't do it too much anymore cause I have an additional like fan in my room that I used cause I get really hot. But I love the sound of it. I do too. I have a sleep with fan, have done like the videos on YouTube where they do, it's just sound bowls and I love it. It's crazy. You need to do this though cause it was so fun. Yeah. But I love what she does cuz she gives you kind of a wellness regimen. Mm-hmm. And so for me it was like grounding one time a. And so I was like, wow, that's great. Like that's crazy. My grandma grounds. Yeah, we just started, my grandma just started grounding, but she said even if it's not outside, just stillness and rest and focus on your energy. So what gives or drains your energy? Um, but the cool things that she said, she said the throat, heart, solar, plexus, and the root were my problems. So like the throat, I have a really hard time expressing emotion, which is weird cuz I don't think I do. And she did say like, take all. As you will, right? Mm-hmm. like if this doesn't serve you or this, you know, whatever it may be. And I also liked that she prefaced a lot, like, okay, I work with different spirituality. So she would always say like, you know, we're gonna sit and like, this is for like you and God. Like it was very geared toward Christianity. And so I liked that. Um, and she also works. Patients at the hospital. So that, I thought that was cool too. Um, and then she said if she could give me one piece of advice, it's breath work. And so just doing what we did. Yeah. Meditating. So getting an app, which I have the calm app, I need to just meditate. And then she gave me two books, um, the Heart Minded by Sarah Blonde, and she said that that is Will, like Blow My World apparently. And then Eastern Body, Western Mind. And she said that both of those are like what she really, really like practices. Um, oh. But anyway, yeah, the throat. So expressing emotion, um, heart, obviously just healing my heart and dense energy. The solar plexus, which again is like around your belly button, that's known for like productivity and all of that. She said that, that seems really depleted. And then the root, so the root, just like the root is your feet, and that just supports fear and then stability. So like it's your support system. Also working with fear and instability. Yeah. But something else she mentioned that I thought was so cool, she was like, I can really see that you want to tap more into your feminine energy, which I've been talking about recently. Yeah. How I feel very masculine energy and I wanna tap more into like feeling that feminine energy. Mm-hmm. And she was like, you and I are very similar. Like I've had to really learn how to do that because masculine energy is very, Productive. Go, go, go. It's very like hustle, culture, society, and I feel like that's what I do. And feminine en energy is very like, let it come to you, let it flow. Um, open to receiving of that. Nurturing, nurturing, all of that. And so, I feel like I'm not very much that. That's interesting. Yeah. And so, because I can see that. Yeah. Yeah. And so I'm very masculine. Like I will go after what I want. Mm-hmm. I'll pursue people or things or whatever it may be. And I need to be able to sit back and like let things come to me sometimes. Mm-hmm. So she was like, obviously it's a good balance, but we need to just tap into that a little bit more. So she talked about eft Tapp. For my next session, which she said like four to eight weeks, I'll probably book like end of January. Mm-hmm. Um, but she also like wrote down little, um, places to kind of like hold, so like below your cheek bones or like your cheek bones, you'd hold your fingers there for three to 10 breaths. And that is just for security and release of mental arguments. So whether you're anxious or you know, whatever it may be. Wow. And then the palm between the index and thumb, that was for body consciousness. So just being like conscious of how your body feels, like, how you feel inside your body. Hmm. Behind the ears of the base of the skull, that's for like open communication. And then below ankles is regeneration. So just like renewing yourself, change all of that. That's really cool. And I love what you said about like the feet Yeah. Too. And whatever chakra it is, that's like around your belly button. Oh. Uh, the solar plexus because like, so have you ever heard of people. Everything comes from the belly button or whatever. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And you think about it when we're in our baby, in our mom's belly. Yeah. Your umbilical cord is what connects you. Mm-hmm. And it's connected through like your belly button. Yeah. That's literally your life source. Yeah. And I'm like, what? That's so crazy that even as adults mm-hmm. Yeah. Like that's, I, I, I really believe that that that a lot comes from No idea. That's so interesting. And the thing about the feet too. Yeah. Cause you had to be really careful with. Mm-hmm. And a lot of, you know, I know like in my house when it gets like cold, you know, like covering your feet's a big deal. Yeah. It gets cold. Like cover your feet, you don't wanna get sick like, you know. Mm-hmm. that kind of thing. And she said energy flows from the root from, yeah. From the feet. So you to make Yep. So you have to make sure that that's all aligned. I know. I really do think you should go, because I mean, she was like, we were in the middle and you could hear her like writing stuff. I'm like, what is she writing? And so I thought that was so cool. Like immediately she'd said something right after and I just start crying and she was just like, here's your, like whatever. And then we pulled an intention. And um, mine was vulnerability, which I loved because I told her, I was like, she was like, what does that mean to you? And I was like, well, honestly, I feel like I'm pretty vulnerable. Like I feel like I share a lot more than pe most people would. Do you think that maybe that can be translated as you being honest with yourself? Oh, I love that friend. Mm-hmm. So what she said, I'm sure that is probably being true. Like it's okay to Yeah. Cuz you, you say stuff to me all the time and where you're like, you know, I'm just being really honest, like with myself, just, you know, with the well she was having maybe you're tap, like this is just confirming it for you. Mm-hmm. like you're confirming your vulnerability. And she actually started crying when she like, said that. She was like, you being able to, um, open up and share. And it did say that like opening up and sharing. what? When fear would hold most people back. Yeah. And I was like, I really think I am doing that. And she was like, you're giving that gift to others of sharing. And so I was like, okay, I'm lit, gonna cry. Aww. You have been doing that, which is so cool with your like divorce talking. Yeah. Yeah. So that's what I told her about. And so, um, and then she was like, can I give you a hug at the end? I was like, I love you. Like, you're so nice. And I just think, you know, I'm trying to be very like, discerned with like, okay, you know, is this something I can incorporate? With still believing because that's just so hard as like a believer and you know, definitely wanna have a podcast episode about that. Yeah. Um, cuz I think in your twenties you're just trying to figure it out. Um, but I do think that she catered it really well to being Christian still. And she said she works with all spirituality. So I don't know. I don't want this to be like, I'm woohoo now because I still do believe in God. But I think that I told, you know, I told someone, I was like the fact that if I can sit with myself, I will probably be praying more, like I'll probably be sitting and praying. Mm-hmm. So it's like if I don't, you know, just being able to sit with myself and like stillness or talking to God or whatever it may be is gonna be beneficial for me. Just, I feel like that's something I'm really learning in this is just like how to sit still. Yeah. Be still, you know, rest. And I think that's a big challenge for you. It is. Um, 100%. Which, I mean, I think, and it's, it's gonna take a while for you to be comfortable sitting and just like really having to, yeah. I'm not doing anything but like focusing on me mentally, emotionally, physically, yeah. All that. Mm-hmm. Um, you're definitely in that, like in it, in that era right now in it. So I thought that was cool though. I definitely wanna read those books eventually. Probably not until the new year, but um, she gave me some. Additional supplements if I wanted to go get some. It was just AP herbs, so I almost said herbs, Um, but it's first stress and nervous system support. So just in case of like adrenal fatigue or whatever may be. But I know one of them's like Ashwaganda, if you've heard of that one. One I've heard of Ashwaganda and then I don't know what other ones, she was just like, honestly, you can do any of'em. She was like, I use like a mushroom blend. That's what she said. So what kind of mushroom, like a lot of people talk about that mushroom I have. So, and like mushroom coffee and stuff now? Yes. I was gonna say, like, people have like a, like they, it's called something I can't remember now. Yeah. And I'm like, what is really mushroom? I know it's called something, I can't remember it, but I know one of my influencers, I like, she drinks it now, but um, yeah, she gave me like a whole like physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. So like for spiritual, she was just like, anything, any activity that sparks joy or connection to self or spirit. Um, but she was just like, she was just so cool. I just really liked her and her just very open attitude and she was just like a really, really nice person, honestly. Yeah. And I will definitely be going back. I would love to. Cause you know, I'm awesome. So into that kind of stuff to You need to, because I felt. I felt so like connected with myself. Yeah. Like I've never felt that kind of like Yeah. Connection. Mm-hmm. And so I don't know. I loved it. And the fact that she was like picking up on that kind of inter, like, she even told me, she was like, I'm not somebody who like, she was like, we're all intuitive being right. She was like, I'm not sitting here saying I'm some kind of you. psychic or spiritual reader or whatever. She was like, that's so woo woo. And so I thought that was cool that she even was like, that's so woo woo. But she was like, what I do pick up is just from like intuition. Mm-hmm. And your energy. It's so strong. You have to, you just have to tap into it. Yeah. And so I thought that was cool and I, I think there is a way to, I don't know, part of me feels like guilty for doing this, cuz I'm like, why? You know, am I back? You feel like it's against like, yeah. But then again I'm like, you know, how would I ever know if this is, I don't know. I don't know. I have kind of a dual mix to unpack that whole, I do, I need to unpack that. And that's kind of a whole mix. And mind you, y'all, she literally just came from this. You don't really have time to sit. The appointment was, yeah, she told me. She was like, go Home Journal about it. And I was like, I don't have time to do that. Yeah. I booked and busy. Well, so literally came straight from the Reiki appointment to this. I'm sure I will sit and think more about it. And she was like, you're probably gonna have realizations. Mm-hmm. throughout like the next couple of days. I'm sure you're gonna, we have another update. Yeah. For sure. She's like, maybe something that triggers you or maybe something that you're like, oh, I never thought about that. Mm-hmm. So, I mean, I thought it was a great experience. I definitely will be going back, I think. A really, really good experience. Um, and she was just like, you know, I really wanna work more on that feminine side. And she said the throat was the one that was really, really bad, like opening up my throat, which I don't know. But I do feel a ton of tension in my jaw. I think I might have tmj. I think it's crazy too, because I feel like you're a singer too, so I'm like, is that another. Sign for you to like really get back into maybe singing and expressing yourself that way. And TMJ is a thing. So do you grind your teeth at night? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I think I have it because my jaw always feels tense. Mm. When I get really anxious. That's one of the things that I do is I, uh, grind my teeth. My jaw feels like it's locked up really tight. Yep. So, and I'm, my dentist has literally told me no, it just, that's a big, I was just about say my dentist was like, uh, you really grind. I literally went last week and they were like, yeah, you really? Or sleep with a mouth card. I have a retainer, so I'm just gonna use that as my mouth guard. I'm sorry. It's gotten a little bit better now that I'm on like anxiety medicine. I don't think I do as much, but yeah, I also. Have like some stuff with my jaw kind of. That's cool though, that you said that about music. Cause I didn't take it like that. And I think it's cool you, me, to other people and seeing what their opinion is. Yeah. That people that like know me, you know, like you really know me. So it's cool to see like, well, cause I know you wanna get, really get back into making your music. Yeah. And so when you said like the throat thing, I was like she, I'm talking about like your voice, like your singing voice. Yeah. That's very interesting. I know, I thought the throat was interesting because expressing, expressing emotions, I'm not too, that doesn't sound that difficult to me. But I think she maybe is talking about like maybe with specific people in my life maybe, or maybe like, you know, that way. Mm. So I don't know. I will be back there. That's one of those things to, you know, just sit there and really think about like, mm hmm. And then the thing is too, that I love. Because I haven't done Reiki, but I have gotten my birth chart read. Yeah, you loved that. I think you should do reiki next. Yeah, because that's like really your energy. I mean, it says birth chart, but like she can like, Pick up. Well, and I've never like actually gotten my birth chart read by anyone in person. Yeah. It's people online, and so I would love to do both of those things. Honestly, I'm, I don't have any guilt about doing that. I think it's awesome. That's for you. People's energy is really big to me. As long as I feel like the intention behind things is good. That's what my aunt said. My aunt, as long as your intention going into this is still, you know, holding Christian beliefs and all of that, then you're fine. You're right. Well, and if, if you feel like comfortable with the. I love her. I was like, she's awesome. Cause she's the one that's doing it. If you have any weird feelings about it, back out. Yeah. That's okay. Mm-hmm. I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I don't think you should feel guilty about it either. Hey, friend, you're welcome. I think that is something I just have to unpack. I That's fine though. You have a lot of guilt sometimes about being like a good Christian, whatever, and I mean, that's a, again, that's a totally. Episode because I hate that. Yeah, I hate that so much. Um, cuz I personally don't feel that guilt, but I understand it. Um, but I definitely would be totally into that, especially the should. I love when I think you'd really like the girl. She's just very calming and like, Just really good vibes. Yeah. Like I got really good vibes from her. Mm-hmm. And she just like, she's very like, what do you wanna get out of this? And I love whenever people that do that kind of work mm-hmm. whether it be Reiki, um, astrology, psychics, like whatever. And they're like, take what you can, what you will, from what I'm saying, because I think the misconception true. Cause the misconception is that like, oh, they're trying to like tell you how things are gonna like Yeah. Oh, that's like, I don't. What it should be, and there are some people I'm sure that are out there that are like that, but they're not genuine. People that really wanna help, I think a hundred percent. Um, and I love that she said that to you. Yeah, I love that. She was just like, take what you need. Don't try and make it fit. If it's doesn't fit, then it doesn't fit exactly. So I loved that. And it might not fit now, maybe it'll fit later. Who knows? Something to remember. You know. Yeah. Um, last thing I had that was, you know, honestly all of it, like, it's hard too to remember all that she said to me and did with that. I'm happy she wrote a lot of it down. Yeah. Um, but last thing for me, I just wanted to chat on, you know, last week was our, well, I guess two weeks now was our relationships episode. Oh yeah. At this point and Mm. Um, since we actually filmed it. Since we recorded it, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I think for me, I'm really getting to this point. I'm in my healing journey, you know, and just really knowing I have to do things alone right now, you know? Yeah. And really knowing that I have to like work on myself and be alone, and that's scary a little bit, you know? Mm-hmm. like that is really, it's really hard to kind of explain that to people. Like, no, I need to heal kind of on my own, not friends and family, but just, you know, it's hard now and, and it's hard to, um, kind of take that time for yourself. But I just wanted to encourage anybody that listened to the relationships episode or maybe you didn't, but just that like, if you're in your own healing journey, like it's okay to take that time and I think it's needed and the people who don't jump back into something are gonna come out so much strong. Yeah. Cause it's, it's the easy route is jumping back into something. Mm-hmm. the easy route is going to somebody and wanting that like intimacy and connection. Well, and I think too, I don't know, I think this lady really hit the nail on the head because I'm just thinking about the conversations that we've had. Mm-hmm. about just. The, the point that you're at in life. Mm-hmm. spent since your divorce happened and everything. And I remember the day that you told me, like my therapist told me I was codependent. Yep. And you were just like, like the way that you looked when she said that, you almost looked scared, like Yeah. Okay. Yeah. About that. And you knew that she was right. Oh yeah. And you. Live on your own. Mm-hmm. And you're not in a relationship. You're trying not to get into that. Yeah. And so that's also a vulnerable, you know. Yeah. Thing that's hard to admit. It's the same thing if someone has to admit that they're too independent. Yeah. And they don't like to lean on people too. Yeah, just learning how to be on your own and like do everything on your own. And I think that that's why I'm super excited because I think these six months kind of allows me to okay, like actually enjoy being on your own, like having fun. And then, and also just like be booked and busy if you wanna be, but I know that like, when we live together, I think I'll rest and relax a little more just because it's like, okay, like that's the. we cannot even be hanging out. And I'll just feel, I think a little more like comforted that like another person is with me. Yeah, you've said that a couple times. We'll feel good like that. I'm just there. Yeah. Like it's so weird. I think just the fact that you are gonna be there like makes me feel a little comforted. Like, okay, I have someone like, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. like if something were to happen to me or like whatever it may be, you know? Cause living alone, it's like nobody knows, like nobody knows if something happens or whatever. So I think just having you there, but. You know, also just watching Live Island and doing things together. Yeah. Not that we're gonna do everything together, but just, it's gonna be so fun and different for our friendship because we've known each other for so long and we're doing this now. I know. And it feels like the right thing to do. That's the cool part. It doesn't feel like. It's forced, it feels like, I think what we're supposed to do do. It doesn't feel like one person like forced the other or like pushed for it harder. Honestly, I feel like both of us have pushed for it the same and like, and like when you first asked me to do it Yeah. What I had said, my mom was just like, I have a feeling that you're gonna move in with her. Yep. She said like a couple days we, yeah. Or before. Yeah, like a week or two before I asked. And I was just like, whatever. Didn't even forgot about it. We never talked about it before then. Okay. And then one day I literally was like, you know, it could be. you and I living together. And I was like, what? Okay. We're doing it. Yeah. I think like your mom saying that and then me saying that was like the confirmation. I was just like, cause your moms very intuitive. She's so intuitive. She's so in tune with, and you were like, everything that she said has come true. Yeah. It's scary. Um, no joke, but I love that. I love that too. Sometimes it's kind of, it kind of sucks when you, I'm like, I need her to read my life. Well, I don't know. She just has a really good read on people. She always has. That's so fun. And I think it's just, I don't know if it's with like age or just how she, maybe it is with age, I don't know. But she's just that kind of person. Not everybody has that and she's very, so I try to be that way too. I'm like, I, cuz energy's, I feel like you're very intuitive. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. super intuitive. I, I just second guess myself. Something that's cool too, is I really liked this holistic approach. Mm-hmm. with reiki because I, the things that she said, I was like, wait, I can take some of this and use this for my job too, like for my clients. Yeah. I was like, this is so cool for like mindset. Mm-hmm. and just a holistic approach. Mm-hmm. Um, and so I was like, that's really cool. Well, cause there's so many different ways to approach health and wellness. Exactly, yeah. And so I was like, it's a cool add-on. Right? It's not gonna be. The thing, but it can be a cool mindset add on. And I love anything that doesn't make me feel like I'm in a box. Yeah. I love it. Yeah, I love me too. And this just makes you feel so open and very like just connected with yourself. And she was like, that's honestly the, um, like that's honestly the whole point of this is just to feel as one with yourself. Oh. So I love that. So yeah, I had a good session. Um, I wish I like. Take everything she said. Like I almost asked her if I could voice record really, but I didn't know if she'd be comfortable with that, so I just was trying to take it all in. But I'm happy she writes these like wellness regimens. But she did say she'd like to do like EFT tapping, which I'm not sure what that is. I think that's for like, I've heard of EFT tapping. I'm actually gonna look it up really quickly because I thought that maybe it was for, um, individuals who. maybe suffered with, uh, O C D, but I'm not sure. I've never heard of it for some reason. It makes me think of like alternative pressure therapy treatment used to restore balance to your disrupted energy. Oh. It's been an authorized treatment for war veterans. Oh, that's kind of cool. So it's, is it like acupuncture, like a form of acupuncture or something? I think so. And she kind of did acupuncture on me today, but like a very, um, I would love that. It wasn't, it wasn't. As strong. It was a very gentle, but she like the points I was talking about earlier, like the cheekbones in the back of the neck. That's what she was doing to me. So she was like, I like to do this cause I feel like I would be so into it. It was, no, that's what I'm saying. You would love this. Oh man. Oh, okay. It's tapping on key acupuncture points around the body paired with positive affirmations. Oh nice. That sounds really relaxing to me. Yeah, I love that. So love, um, she said she wants to. Do that with me. And then, um, it accesses stress on physical and emotional levels. It gives you the best of both world's body and mind. It sends signals directly to the stress centers of the mid brain. Mm, that's cool. And you're really into the like neuro stuff. You like that? I am Dr. Daniels. Come sponsor us. I know that just so dope. One of my friends was like, you're actually in love with him. Yeah. I'm like, well, he's 75 or eight. Like, I don't know how old he is actually. Maybe his sixties, seventies. And I'm like, but I do love him. You do. Like, I'm obsessed with him. If, if anyone hasn't, um, listened to his podcast, please go do it. Just go follow Dr. Dana Ayman. He's. He's a freaking hoot. I literally watched his lives. No, I know. I watch his lives. I do everything. Um, but yeah, that's all I have for, that's all we got today, y'all. We'll do our holiday episode after this. Yeah. And then it's, we're gonna get into the new year, I guess. Oh my gosh. Coming into an end. Y'all so crazy. Get it together. I'm joking. Everyone gets together, Do your best guys and forget the rest. Yeah, right. Well, we'll chat soon. I'm gonna eat my Chick-fil-A now. Yeah. Bye bye. Cry babies.