Katie Ridgeway + Lauryn Bennett Season 1 Episode 11

In today's episode, Lauryn + Katie are sharing all of their biggest ICKS! 

-Oh, hi everybody. Hello. Did I have a until breakdown today? Yes. Like probably 10 minutes before we started recording this. Hi everyone. Welcome back to, we've keeping it very real here. Mm-hmm. on the, no Crying on the internet. Yep. You had a little breakdown. Do cry on the internet. you had a little breakdown. We're back in. Still having a good day, We're still having a good day. Yeah, it's been a good day. Yeah. It's just, uh, been one of those days. Yeah. Now how am I feeling? I'm feeling all right. are you, do you have any life updates for us? Um, do I have any life updates? Not necessarily. Um, I do wanna talk about, like, some tea though, going down on TikTok with what, you know, the makeup girl, Mikayla, whatever. She has like black hair. No. You don't know who I'm talking about? No, but I, I feel like I've heard about like the MA mascara thing. Yeah, yeah. What is that? So pretty much she. replied to, um, a video that this girl did on like a L'Oreal, I think it was L'Oreal mascara. Okay. Um, and she was clearly wearing falsies like whiskey lashes, like, you know, like whiskey. So like she, so she was saying that it was the L'Oreal mascara that made her lashes and you can clearly see it cuz like So she has one eye done already, right? Yeah, she already has one eye done. This is the, in the video, this the Mikayla girl. This is the Mikayla girl. Oh, okay. This girl has like so many followers and stuff like, she has like millions of followers. Is she taking down the video? No, I think it's still up. I'm gonna watch it. Yeah, you can go watch it. Um, so she starts the video and she's like, you guys like look at how amazing this mascara. like, looks on this girl, like we're gonna try it. So her, this one of her eyes already. Okay. So she's stitching someone who actually used the mascara, used it already and like loved the results. But didn't, this girl was not wearing falsies, but Mikayla was, I don't think the girl was wearing them. Okay. Okay. But um, so you see her putting it on, right? But yeah, she had on must lashes and, um, do you know who Kathleen Lights is? Uh, I've heard of her, yeah. Okay. So then she is like one of the, I think she was like one of the first influencers Yeah. That her name really familiar. Okay. Like, you know, this is just really messed up, like it's false advertisement. Yeah. And like, you know, You should not be, um, doing that whenever you're promoting like a product. Like, like be authentic about it, basically, whatever. Yeah. It's just crazy because people are like literally crucifying her for this and they're trying to like, So Jeffrey Starr, I know you know who Jeffrey Starr is. Yeah. So like, he's been like, we're, he's been off on the farm we've done and like over with him, right? Yeah. So he's trying to like come back from making, making like a, he is from like, because of this situation, it's almost like he's trying to take it as an opportunity to come back. Oh. And people are literally like, we miss his reviews, like they're honest and whatever. I'm like, you're, you would rather bring back a problematic influencer. Yeah, he was. And crucify someone that literally false advertised. Masculine. So you're on the girls, you're on the girls's side. I'm not necessarily on any anyone side. I think it's dumb to bring back. You think the whole drama is like stupid? I love the drama because it reminds me of like old YouTube of old. Yes. Yeah. I'm like, I'm healing. I can feel like my wounds just like healing and all over my body. Um, but like them trying that really made me laugh. But like people trying to bring back fr bring back Jeffrey's star and like he is a problematic, he's pro like, leave in the bin, leave it in the bin. Let's support people. Other people like that are give honest reviews, like let's move on. But I don't think, I think people are going so hard on her, her up. Yeah, you definitely should just type in name Mikayla. Yeah, go to, it's funny cuz one of my favorite fitness influencers is name Mikayla. And so I was like, oh no. Go to TikTok and search Mikayla. M i k something. M i k a. Mikayla Did um, this girl, no, no. Let me see. Go tie. Oh, here's Jeffrey Star, m i k a y l a n o g. M I K A Y L A. Yep. Here she is she's 14.4. Oh, I know this girl. The funny thing is, is that it has 45.7 million views, but only 1.3 million likes. Okay, wait, tell me why I wanna go buy this mascara. Oh my gosh. Why? What you think I might You literally have mascara just to. But I want that one. Why? Because it looks good. Oh my God. I don't really like my mascara now. Okay, girl, Papa off. It's like, what? 10 bucks Shouldn't I just go try it? It's like, look at that side by side. No, I know. It's so obvious. I like her. I actually do follow her. I mean, I don't mind her. I like watching her do her makeup. No, she's really good at makeup, but she, and I will say she's giving old YouTube days, like she's giving old YouTube era, which I really like and that's probably why she has so many followers, don't you? She's giving us the drama, honey. Yeah, she's giving us the drama, but also. Nobody really does this kind of stuff anymore. I mean, they do. A lot of people do, but she just, she a lot of old YouTube vibes. Not a lot of people give old YouTube vibes, don't you think? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I like her, but I just don't, someone's kind of giving me the I too. Interesting. Not me having two followers and her having 14.4 and I'm like, she gives, she gives me the ick I'm so much more popular than her. Oh man. Her wedding dress is pretty though. Yeah. I'm like, okay, does this pop off? Didn't even know you were engaged, but, um, yeah. So that was my little cup of tea I wanted to sip on. I'm just gonna be watching, like, I'm gonna be going in depth onto this later. Yeah. Like I will be watching. Someone said though, that they were like, is this an ad? But it clearly says paid partnership at the bottom. Yeah. I wonder how L'Oreal has taken this, whether this has been really good for them or really bad. According to like what Kathleen was kind of saying, whenever you. do those partnerships or whatever it like states that they, to not do that, you know? And so do you think they're gonna cancel their partnership here, girl? I don't know. I don't even know if she, I don't think she's even been back on the internet since that, or like responded or whatever. No, she hasn't because it's been six days. It has been rough. And then if you go in the comments, someone asked her if she was wearing false lashes and she was like, she said no. Like she like blatantly lied about it. Yeah. Someone said, mm-hmm. did you add lash clusters on the edges? And people are like, yes. Because it doesn't look like she's wearing like a full strip of falsies. Yeah. It looks like she either added in like individuals or it looks like she added. I don't know. Someone said, are you lash lighting us right now? Like gaslighting, but lash lighting? Yeah, that is. So someone said she forgot to tag Ardell. Bye. Dang. Someone said, no, Mikayla, I can't back you up on this video. Okay. Well that's crazy. Thanks for letting me know. You always are up to date on the tea. Oh, cuz you know me. I didn't know this girl had that many followers. No, she's, I've known about her for a while. She did blow up. Blew up. Yeah. So, um, wow. Yeah, that's how we wanted to, I wanted to start the episode before we get into our main topic today, which is gonna be about our x. our eggs. Ew. I wish we had a sauna pic that we can put after that. W Ew, ick. Something like that. But yeah, I just wanted to do this because I like to complain. So Yeah, same. Hello. Have to talk about talking about our X and I'm gonna have my dear friend Lauren Gophers. Yeah. So I'm just, I'm just gonna kind of go. Don't go too fast, cuz I really might have Well, I was gonna, I'm not gonna go too fast. I'm not gonna like just start listing him or anything. I, I'm just gonna kind of go through that. I have one, but I don't know if I should say mine. Okay. Well I will start, actually, no, I can't say mine. Okay, so my first egg, this is just one of my everyday s that just, okay, it pops up at least once. At least once. I cannot stand, cry often. This cannot stand, stand. Like chewing loud. Chewing. Oh no. And I hate loud chewing. I wish you guys, I wish we had video. We'll get it eventually, but Lauren is cracking me up. Okay, go for it. I just, whenever it's like, you know, in a really quiet room and people are eating, you can hear everything. It makes me, it makes me wanna vomit. You use my thing. Oh really? It's so bad. It's so bad. But here's my thing. I, the stomach is like, okay, but I'm allowed chewer and I don't mean to. So what do I do there? Let's make sure that we don't eat in a quiet. but like, I try, like if I'm too chest. Do you not chew with your, with your mouth closed? I do, but that's fine. But it's like crunch, crunch, crunch. It's crunch. It's crunch. It's like that. It's giving crunch. It's like that, but that's me. Oh no, I don't do that. No, absolutely not. It's disgusting. Ugh, that's so gross. I hate that so much. And like the, I also put like, when it's too quiet mm-hmm. you know, so when it's too, too, that's giving, that's giving ick. Yeah, like it's too quiet. Like if the fan's not going or something and it's literally like you can hear a pin drop. Oh yeah. Like, you know, like what happens when, if the power goes out and then you hear mm-hmm. nothing that you can hear every little, Hey pop. Ooh, he be geebies. That's gonna be a no from me. Here's one of my aches not being able to breathe. That's a horrible ach. Like whenever you're sick and your nose is stuffy. Yeah. I'm not even like sick. My nose is just stopped up. It's allergies. It sucks. Yeah, that is annoying. It freaks me out because I have to breathe so deep. Yeah, it's really annoying isn't it? Hate, especially when you have to like lay down. Oh, you know, it's also a nick of mine. when people disagree with me. Yeah. I'm just kidding. When people think, no, you're not like No, you're not. You, you are very like, if, if it, it's your way or the highway sometimes. And if it doesn't go your way, sister. It's pissy you think A little bit, but I've been pissy in a long time. It's not that. It's not that you do that to me necessarily. You cannot put any of your aches in the episode. I love Any of my, no, you literally like you think of a bitch. I'm like, you know what gives me the. When someone's breathing oh my God was such a bitch. Oh my god. Okay, this one. This one I, okay. It's not that I don't like dogs. This does not mean I don't like dogs cause I do. But when people make their whole personality dogs, I literally put people that only talk about their dogs. I can't stand, and when people only talk about their dogs, like, okay, please give me more, give me something. No, it's, it's not giving what it needs to give. Especially if I don't know you. If I don't know you, and all you're talking about is your dog, oh my God. It's giving Or clearly like when you're out and about and you're like walking around and people have their dogs and clearly they want people to like come in like. Yeah, I'm not that person. I'm that person that's like, that's cute dog. Anyways, no, so I don't pet random people's dogs. I'm the person that pets the dogs because people are disgusting. Okay? I don't know what your living situation is, but don't come over here This is giving, okay. Here's the thing though. Don't, I can't stand, that's why I love cats because no one knows I have a cat then. And listen, I don't need to broadcast it. I love it. I love it. Cats are till there's not really much to broadcast. I love cats. Do I make my cats my personality? A little? Yeah, a little bit. Um, I don't know if it's just cuz we're like, but in the best way. I don't know if it's just because we talk so often that we talk about all kinds of different things, but I don't feel like you do that. But here's the thing. Is that like your icebreaker a little bit? Yeah. I'm like, not cats. Here's the thing though, they don't do much, so there's not really much to say. Yeah. There's only so much I can say about, yeah. My rat. Yeah. Cat. Yeah. And my good cat. So Remy gives you more. Remy gives rat energy. Greg gives us nothing. Greg gives us, Greg gives great vibes, but he's not giving it's good vibes. But he, Remy is bad vibes only 100%. He's sleeping right now too. He's, he's on chill vibes. Doesn't he kinda look like a rat? He does look like a rat. He's giving rat energy. So that's the thing. That's all I can really tell people. But dogs, oh God, there's a different type of dog people out there. Look, I don't care like I, but if you say that, see anymore, then I'm a bad person. Now I a bad person. That is true. That's true. But people can shell on cats all they want and nobody thinks they're a bad person. Yeah. You know what? Giving me ick. What? The discrimination between dogs and cats. Cat haters. That's an ick no cat. If you're a cat hater, I immediately get outta my life. Ick. Delete this podcast. It drives me nuts. Delete this podcast Delete this podcast. Just kidding. We need your downloads. Download it, please. Um, okay. What else is giving Nick? What else is giving Nick standalone books? With a subpar ending. Oh, and I put in all caps. Do not leave me wanting more. Give me an epilogue. Give it to me. Do you say epilogue? Epilogue. Epilogue. What is it supposed to be? Epilogue. I think. Epilogue. You always said it. Yeah. I love that. I don't think I've ever said it out loud. Epilogue. Epilogue. No, I don't think I have either. Epilogue. Epilogue. Do you know what's giving ick? What? I'm gonna call out specific people. What's giving ick? and now Miss Colleen Hoover. I do love you. Okay. Uhhuh but it's giving ick that she made a second part to Verity and gave no further information. Have I read the second part to Verity? No. Uhhuh. but I have, uh, what's the word I have? bystanders, Uhhuh that have told me. I have the insight of the people and they've told you that have told me it's subpar at book club. They said it? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They said we read it. Oh, you're talking about that like bonus, like stuff that she don't give us a bonus if it's not gonna wrap up anything. Well, I mean that's like the second book to it ends with us. I haven't read it. I haven't read it either, but like, have you even read it? Yes. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I have read it. I did not know that. I thought that was a book that you hadn't read because it gets hyped up too much. No, I mean it was one of the books I read cuz it was hyped up and it was good. But it wasn't like that book didn't give what any to give that. I think that's the problem with her books. The reason why I don't, cause I used to read her like back like yeah in the day. But like she's so popular now. I'm like, anything I read by you, you don't like popular people. I'm going to look at it with such a critical lens. I don't know if I can actually enjoy. Yeah. It's really nothing to do with her. It's just you don't like things that have been hyped up because I, I wanna enjoy it for like what it is. That's why I kind of circle back to things. You're not critical. I'm not as critical about books after it's been, well, I can't help but be that way. That's, I'm saying it on my feed. and people being like, you're right. I hate calling. Could you read Archer's voice? I, no, cuz again, I haven't read it either. I think I might for a workbook club. No, I might, I mean, people, I really haven't seen too much negative about it. The people that have said negative about it, they are like, they hate it. They're like, Ooh. Like, yeah, they don't like it. I'm like, oh, please don't let that be me. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, agreed. That was, I'm more of a series person anyway, but like standalone books that don't have, like, that's a perfect ending and I'm happy to leave it where it's. It makes me so mad cuz it's like an itch you can't scratch cuz they're not gonna give you anymore. They won't. I kind of like it. I don't Okay. I have attachment issues, so Okay. Me go to We love that. Actually we don't, we're working on it. Yep. Um, but the next one. is people who are rude to waitstaff and also like that was one of my service providers in general. Mm-hmm. because like I think a lot of people can agree like that's an ick but like just rude to ser service providers in general, like your hair stylists or people that like hop hair stylists and they like talk shit about. I hate that. I can't stand that. It's also giving ick if you don't tip your service providers. Yeah. What are y'all doing? Yeah, it's the same energy. Like people that are rude to like weight stuff are also like, I don't know, it just drives me nuts that that gets on my nerves. Or like when they get mad at like the way a stylist did their hair, but like, you know, that you literally don't take care of your hair. You probably weren't fully honest with them. or you know, what's giving be ick though, or trying to get something for free. People that try to get stuff for free. Yeah. Yes. That's, and you know, also gives ick if you're not willing to tell the person that you don't like it. Yeah. And you're just going complain or just Yeah. You know what also is an ick, what people who complain about certain things but don't ever do anything to change it. Yep. Now hear me out. Yep. I've done that before in my life. But if you're complaining about the same thing day in, if it's constant, constant day in, day out, I would've ied myself out in the past. Mm-hmm. No, I mean, I use, I feel like I've definitely done that before and I know that's annoying. Mm-hmm. but I also feel like I'm really self. Yeah. Oh, that's an I. When people lack self-awareness, it's kind of ick to also be too someone my freaking God, like on my part. Can you read the room? Yeah. My next one. Mm. this is kind of one, I mean, I've noticed it before just because of the jobs I've had in the past. Mm-hmm. like working in hospitality, obviously like you work with a lot of different kinds of people. Yeah. But, um, working where I work now, this is just something I've seen so often and it really just grinds my gears. So what I put was. When the man is the only one speaking and a couple, yeah, let me explain. That's giving. Oh, you, you get what I'm saying? Yes. So for the people that make, I need to piggyback off of you for that. Okay. So, um, for people that don't understand what I mean, it can be like just one person in a relationship just talking, but specifically when it's a man and a woman, it like, it makes me feel. They're purposely doing that cuz they don't want that person to talk. And I also have like, I have things I need to work through cuz when I feel like a man is being too dominant or something in a situation I like, I'll squish you. Yeah, I trip out and so people come in all the time and like check in for their appointments. What me saying? I'll squish them and I'll squish them. I'll squish them. I'm like, I'll squish you. Like what does that mean, girl, pop off Queen. Um, but yeah, it happens all the time where I'm like expecting someone to come in and like 30 minutes and I. This man and this woman come in and I'm thinking It's together. Yeah. And I'm thinking it's like a couple that's gonna get something. He like drops her off basically. And he's like, um, no, she has an appointment at this time speaking. I'm like, literally, oh, he doesn't let her. That's where it gets confusing and that's where it gets confused. Are you nervous? Maybe she has anxiety or is he just not letting him? And there's been times where not at this. But like working in restaurants where a family will come in. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And the guy talks and literally all of the women are like looking down. That's happened. I've seen it happen too many times. Can I piggyback off that though? Go ahead. Um, opposite side of this. Mm-hmm. But another ick is when maybe it's giving car dealership vibes. Okay. Mm-hmm. when like a car dealership, like maybe I'm the one buying the car. Mm-hmm. but I'm with a guy Yes. And he's only speaking to the guy. Yes. Uh, that's yes. Gonna be an o for me. Mm-hmm. Yes. That's giving massive ick. Like my mom, I know she's, she's had. the car she has now. She went and got herself, but prior, fuck off. Yeah. She was like, she's a queen. She went and just got it herself. Um, but prior to that, like she would always go with Yeah. A guy, you know, because of that reason, like we're, it's almost like we're incapable of making sound decisions. Yeah. Or they try to like get over on us. Like, I remember one time whenever I was, um, I. It's the thinking they can outsmart us for me. Yeah. I was like 18 or 19 or something, and it was the first time I ever went on like a trip. Like a road trip with just me and my friends and we went to Dallas and my car got like messed up while we were down there and I had to take it to, um, uh, what, where like AutoZone or something? Yeah, that AutoZone, um, to Hibdon Tires or something like that. Yeah. Mm-hmm. and, um, Pretty much like my grandpa had to come and like, get us. And so did like, uh, another girl that I was with, like her dad came and like, you know, um, just to get my car back to Oklahoma. And um, my grandpa was like, um, where's the receipt they gave you? They didn't even gimme a receipt. No. He was like, this is why, like, I hate, like he's giving massive. Yeah. So like anytime that I have to go to like Hibs for like anything, like if something, if something's wrong with my tires or whatever. Mm-hmm. which I haven't had to have my new car serviced yet or anything, but my grandpa's very adamant about like if he can't be there, he's like, call me when they take your car back. Yeah. Call me when this happens. Call me when this happens. And. I feel like I have to put on the most aggressive R B F to go into and I hate not knowing what I'm talking about. Cause they same, like I don't know much about cars, so it's just a very, like anytime they tell me anything, I'm like, no. It can be a very condescending like environment to be in. Yeah. And it's annoying. Yeah, like, don't try to like get over on me cause you know, I dunno, don't swindle me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, do what needs to be done on my car and leave it at that. Like, quit trying to, you know, rack up my, like bill. It's just I do take that. Take five though. Take five is pretty nice. I haven't ever been there. They're nice people. They gave me an air filter to for$5. Nice. Um, they said it's normally like 30, and I was like, I don't know. They're probably just telling me this, but I'll take, I'll take the$5 one. I don't know. Those places can be expensive, so, but they ask you so many things like, do you want this, do you want No, I just want my freaking oil change. Mm-hmm. Nope. So, yeah, definitely. I definitely agree with you that, and also to all of the people that hate Crocs out there. I don't like you either. I love Crocs. I don't know. I've never had a pair and I stand on. I can't stand people. They're like, they're so ugly. They're just made out of like rubber and like whatever. I love Crocs. I've never owned a pair. I, I might not ever, but I don't hate'em, not a hater. Some people are just, I'm like, you're literally just hating so you can fit in with like, people that hate Crocs. It's annoying. Okay. That's, that's, that's giving another egg. Anything that was about to say people. don't have an opinion, but act like they have an opinion about something is giving it. And it's clearly like you're just saying that. Yeah. They're just like, oh my gosh, that thing sucks. And it's like, okay, but why? I'd be like, do you really, do you really think that? And then they have no opinion, actual opinion about it. Yeah. Giving it totally empty up there. Yeah, just empty. Um ooh. People that make non-drinkers feel guilty for not drinking. Yeah. Oh, that is giving. Massive ick. Mm-hmm. Especially in your early twenties, like that's what. the culture is kind of pushing on you. Mm-hmm. um, it doesn't mean you have to follow it. No. But there's a, there can be a lot of people that are around you at that time, even when you're older, that make you feel like that's what you should be doing. Mm-hmm. it's okay if you. Take a sip of liquor and you're like, I don't like it. Go my own way. Yeah. Like, they're gonna be okay. What about not about anything? You know, I never wanted to, I know we were gonna break into, am I supposed to? If you didn't know I'm a singer. I'm joking. Let stop. I feel I'd be, this one is going to be on a future song or album. I'm so excited. We're. Pop off, People that make other people feel bad for honestly anything. It's giving it, but they don't want to do is just a major red flag. Don't like it. Yeah. That is a major red flag. Actually do nothing. And here's the thing. I truthfully can't be peer pressured anything, so if you're gonna Yeah, it's just gonna piss me off, to be honest. No, I was gonna say, it's just gonna piss me off. Mm-hmm. if you're trying to get me to do something mm-hmm. I don't wanna do, it's gonna piss me off. Or making it, or making you feel like you even have to go out when you don't want. pop off. That is really frustrating. Yeah, it's very, very frustrating because like for me, I'm more of a homebody. So whenever I am not trying to do that, me. Putting my foot down. Yeah. Doesn't mean I don't love you and wanna hang out with you, whatever. Yeah. No, I need my space. Well, even like, and I asked you to do something at this point, and I was like, listen, it's after 9:00 PM I know you're not gonna want to, but I'm just gonna extend the invite. Yep. And you're like, no. And I was like, okay, perfect. Like I just knock, get my feelings. Want you to go, like, if I want you to go, if you want my company or whatever, Yeah. Who knows? I might say yes, I'm an ebb and flow kind of gal. Yeah. Like there are some times where I'm so like, go, go, go. I want to go out. Mm-hmm. and like, not necessarily party or whatever, like I don't party, but just go do something. Yeah. Just like be out on the weekend or whatever. Yeah. And then there's some times where I'm like, I am feeling so Yeah. Like anxious or just over it and I just wanna chill. Like maybe this week was super busy for me. Mm-hmm. I just wanna chill. Yep. Yep. And that's that. That's that. And just, just leave people alone to be honest. Um, another one, um, men complaining about women wearing makeup. Wait, you ever heard about that lately? Like men being like, oh, like she's not natural. Like she has a full face of makeup on and like, oh yeah. Complaining about that. I'm like, why? No. What? No. Here's the thing. It's giving ick. If a man is saying anything about a woman, I know. Literally men. Ick immediately. No, that should be the whole episode. Men are giving, I. Big ick, and it's giving big, ick energy. That sounds like big ick energy. That should be the title of this episode. Big, big Energy. Energy. Yes. Yeah, because honestly, men should not be, unless they're complimenting you just don't talk like leave alone, don't speak men. I'm giving you all the guide, like here's the, here's the tour. don't speak unless you're complimenting me. Don't speak. I know. Just that's your thing. This is a full on freaking. Oh my gosh. Unless you're Gregor Rumi, don't talk. Please don't talk to me and don't look at me too long either. Here's another, I men at the gym who stare at women. Ooh. It's giving ick. I feel like I go to a gym that's kind of like l. Do you know what the term wonky means? I think I made it up. Is it a bunch of dudes? Yeah. Like wonky, you know what I mean? Like I have to like, like a bunch of weightlifting dudes that are like just giving like around like this. Yes. Yeah. And it's just not giving what it needs to give. That's like their time to like, don't stare, shine. You know how like girls going to brunch and like getting dressed up and like makeup is like, oh, it's my time to shine. Going to the gym is like some of these dudes, this is, this is where they shine. This is their peak of their day. This is their, because they literally dunno how to function outside. That's good. Get a personality. How about that? You got muscles. Get a personality. Now let's work on that. It's giving kick. It's giving kick. Yeah. Yeah. That if you're one, if your personality is just one thing, it's giving. Yeah. Dumb I'm just wanting to see what you would say. Jah is a drunk. She said. I like, Well-roundedness. Yeah. I'm like, you don't have more than 10 hobbies. Okay. Get a life. I'm kidding. I don't even have 10 hobbies. Katie's just so chaotic. She can't with that Yeah. That's so funny. Um, so I would say I have two more. Okay. Um, this one applies. Listen, I understand people are picky eaters. Mm. But just know. If I go on vacation with L, like anywhere I want to eat, like, yeah, good food, you know, and you just can't do that with people that eat like their five. like only want chicken nuggets and fries, chicken, chicken tenders and fries. Stop it. Is that how Corey is? No. Okay, good. No, we eat honey. No, no, no. I didn't know if Corey was pickier or not. I didn't think he was, but I know he's not. There's there, but the things that he doesn't like, he's like hard. No. Oh, okay. But I mean, he, it is nu list is like very short. Oh, okay. He, he's willing to try a lot of things. Try things more than me. I'm pickier than him, but, um, okay. Yeah. I can't stand that. I like that. Those are people, like, I don't wanna go on vacation with you. Yeah. If we're in a. and they're like, majority of the people in the group are like, eat like how I do then go. So if we go vacation and I want chicken tenders and fries, you're gonna, if we're going to ihop sure go ahead and eat that. But you're not doing that if we're going to a new place. No. Yeah, it literally just makes you wanna rip them in you outta your hand and throw it. I can't Okay. Pop off. Damn that. Yeah. No, that makes sense. You know what sounds so good. Mm-hmm. freaking Waffle House. I love Waffle House. I love a Waffle House moment. Oh, it's so good. Yeah. That is so good. Love it. My gosh. Um, with breakfast food, honestly. I wish there were more places, had breakfast food later on, just like, yeah. So you didn't have to just get up. There's only like two options here I know for that, so, so one thing that's giving ick is if I give you my number the night before and you text me in the morning and say, good morning, beautiful. That's an ick. I feel like you're just being harsh at that point. You think, why would you other people think not wanna hear that other people? Because it's too soon. I mean, when I was single. When I was single. This is not happening now, but like it's giving ick for me. I would love waking up to multiple, I know we've talked men saying that. Thank you. Okay. But it's different when you meet someone in person and you give them their number and then the next day, like a dating app I think is different. Yeah. When you meet someone in person and the next day and, and they know your situation, you have a group date, Uhhuh and the next day they say, good morning, beautiful. You're like, That's giving, that's giving ick. That's giving ick for sure. You don't think so, my friend? No. Okay. How? I don't, but I also, also, it depends too on like what you're already thinking about that person. If you're already like, I'm not feeling them, and then they do, it's like, just leave me alone. Sure. That's also different. So I, I do agree with you. Like it's a situational thing. 100%. Okay, I got one more. Okay, go ahead. people that like look down on reality tv, it makes me so mad or makes it feel like, like they're on a pedestal because they don't enjoy trash tv. Like, or like talking to me about it. Like, I don't know. It's trash. I know, I know it's trash. I know that some of this might not be real. Why do you think I'm watching it? Hello? I have trauma. I can't watch all that heavy stuff. Well, like I said, anyone who bash. Here's the thing, it's giving ick if you don't just mind your own business literally like mind your business and also, okay, I understand. Like fighting with someone or arguing with someone about something specific, right? Yeah. Like. Politics, religion, whatever. Mm-hmm. reality TV is not something that you should just be digging at someone for. Yeah. Like that is so minuscule. Yeah. Like just, bro, if you don't like that tv then that's fine. But that tv, like reality tv, what something else? TV has saved me so many times. Yeah. From complete turmoil. Yeah. If we want to be, um, real, it's like let people like what they like. Unless like if it's hurting somebody else, obviously, or if it's like destroying some whatever, then obviously say something. But if someone just likes something, let them like it. Literally, you don't have to agree with them. Yeah. That's giving ick. Exactly. That drives me nuts. Um, I would say another thing too is people that are a little too obsessed with serial killers and like those documentaries and shows. Yeah. I, I can't mm-hmm. I'm. There's a line somewhere between, I find this stuff interesting and you're like, well, also did you know that people that, like there's studies now, well, maybe let's not that, maybe not be backed up, but I think there's studies about how like when you are constantly listening to that stuff, you're just constantly in fight or flight when you're watching those shows. Mm-hmm. And so of course it's like relaxing because it's your normal Yeah. State. But I've heard this one girl on my Facebook talked about how she'd stopped watching it and she feels so much more relaxed now. Yeah. She thought she was relaxed before. But she was just constantly behind that. I mean, that's pretty much me. Like I used to be that person and then that watched, I had to stuff. Yes, I had to stop because, which, I mean I always enjoyed reality tv, but I used to love like the ID channel. I used to love the ID channel. Oh, my family watches that. Yeah. Oh, like I would be up watching it all night. All really night. Yes. And the paranoia was real. It's still bad now, but yeah. Like I had to quit watching it because I'm like, this is, I don't listen any of that kinda stuff so high, like just so wound up. Yeah. It, it was just so bad. And so it's part of why I enjoy reality TV too. It's very mindless. It's not very mindless fearful at all. Mm-hmm. it doesn't like scare me. It's just I had to stop. So I'm not just saying that just because, yeah. I can't really even watch like how to get away with murder or things like that. Mm. Like I'm just not somebody who, that kind of No. A show like that. is different. Like that stuff you're talking about, like the Jeffrey Dahmer, like this stuff really happened. Like Yeah, this is, or like the Crime Junkie podcast or whatever. Yeah. Mind you and I used to listen to crime junkies like. Every day on my way to campus, that's what I would listen to. That is crazy. On my breaks, I would listen to sitting in car just so careful all the time by myself. No, literally just sitting there, like living, eating. I, the only thing that I read that's even close to that is just like thriller books. Mm-hmm. Or if I'm listening to like an audiobook, if it's stuff that I, that apparently like really happened, that's when I'm like, no, I don't wanna listen to that, y'all. But I mean, that's pretty, that's, that's my ex Those are great exs, my friend. Yeah. Um, I was kind of unhinged this episode, but mm-hmm. um, yeah, mine are very like, um, men driven right now. I mean, pop off. Pop off. Yeah. But I think that like I have more, but they're just so unhinged. I can't say them. You're going crazy. Big ick is. This one, I mean, honestly is probably everyone's sick. Mm-hmm. but just like people that literally ride your ass while driving. That was a massive, I'm dying cuz you do that to other people. do I? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well so, but that's the end of the episode, That's it everyone. Time to fight with Lauren. I'm dying. Katie literally does that to me. I do. Yes. That's so funny. Maybe the Dallas, but that's it, girl. No. you've driven with me anywhere else. You're kind of a chaotic driver, really? Yeah. I think I'm pretty good Here's the thing, I'm just not a passive driver. Like I'm not gonna gonna let someone else ram into me. Yeah. Like, get outta my way. And that's when you ride people's ass. What guys? And with that, I think we're done. We're done. I think that's the episode. Everyone. We'll be back next week for another, he's gonna kiss. That's so funny. But yeah, y'all, um, Yeah, we just wanted, I just wanted to complain honestly. So I was really excited to do this episode. Yeah. This has been in the works for, we had to a couple of weeks. Yeah. We've been meaning to record it, but other things we just felt like we should have recorded before it. But I'm glad we got it down. Yeah, for sure. So, um, I think that is all. We love you guys. Hope you have a lovely rest of your week. Yep. And we'll catch you next time. Cry babies. Bye. Bye.